La Vaguada, Madrid (Spain).

La Vaguada is a very well known mall in Madrid. L35 was asked to renovate it, in order to update and modernize it. The project includes an inside and an outside renovations.
I participate particulary in the design of the new square decoration, and in the new fountains.

Garbera, San Sebastian (Spain)
Garbera is a very important mall in San Sebastian, and L35 did the project for the renovation. The renovation included the inside, where the shop windows are fully renovated, as well as the paving and the squares, and the outside. In the outside, the facade and the parking surface are fully modernized.

Los Arcos, Sevilla (Spain)
Los Arcos is a mall of Seville. The renovation project includes inside and outside interventions, in order to modernize and update the mall.


L35 is a firm that has a lot of experience in the design of malls. As project collaborator, I worked in the design of some of them. All the project I have collaborate with are extensive malls located in different places of Spain, like a Eroski in Vigo, and two malls in Algeciras and Pulianas.